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Happy Gotcha Day!!!

Happy Gotcha Day!!! Growing up I never had a dog, only fish, so you can imagine all of the thoughts that filled my head when Michael & I got engaged. He had Daulton and Teddy who were the sweetest dogs. I had no experience with dogs. I was worried what if I didn't know what to do as a doggy mommy. I look back now and think how silly, I was born for the job. Teddy passed away shortly after we were married and Daulton aka Diggy D became my bestie. He helped me through the worst time of my life.... 2 major back surgeries. Without a doubt, he gave me hope, and without him I would not have survived. When he passed away, we were devastated. Life would never be the same. We decided to adopt the underdog, a pup that truly needed a chance. After searching we came across Bentley, an abandoned pup whose family left him outside in July with no food or water. We set up a meet and greet & out runs Brigitte, full of spunk and so much energy. She was saved from being euthanized in California. Long story short, they never would worry again, they were coming home with us. That was 5 years ago July 28. They brought life back into 2 broken hearts. Yes, we rescued them, but it was them who rescued us. The last 5 years have been filled with lots of memories, lots of treats, lots of toys and lots of love. Please consider adopting, there are so many that are patiently waiting for their happily ever after..... you can be their hero and change their life. Happy Gotcha Day Brigitte & Bentley

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