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Rocking & Rolling

Last Sunday, Pawtastic Friends was fortunate enough to participate in the Las Vegas Rockin Roll Marathon. We didn't run but we sure were amazing cheerleaders, and thirst quenchers to many people that inspired us. People from all walks came out for different reasons to cross that finish line. People in wheel chairs, an amazing mom who pushed her child in a wheelchair, friends motivating each other, and so many others that had their own story. Pawtastic Friends had a great team that worked together to make Station 14 the best. Although it was a cold, windy night, committed volunteers came out in full force. We are so grateful for the help. It is volunteers that are the heart of Pawtastic Friends and any organization for that matter. So thank you to all of you that volunteered for the race and all of you that help us in so many different ways ♥️ 

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