Labor of Love
"Doing your best means to never stop trying"..... I came across this quote exactly when I needed it most. You see some people tease me about being a perfectionist. My friend Sunny calls me an overachiever. But, really I'm just an ordinary girl, a dreamer filled with hope & faith. Maybe it's because of my special needs sister and the fact that I always grew up fighting for the underdog or maybe its because my parents taught me to help those in need. That being said, my last blog spoke about some dogs that were needing rescue placement. Through a labor of love and a lot of determination, many found placement. I, along with so many, are most grateful for a feat that at times seemed impossible. Last Monday a few of us went to meet the dogs still waiting. For me it was a way to understand each dog a little better to fuel my efforts to help. I left crying that day because I knew we had a lot of work to do. As the week went by, more dogs found placement with some amazing rescues. I've searched for solutions and options, but as I write this tonight 5 still have had no interest. So today I did a lot more crying, upset with myself for not finding a solution but then I came across that quote reading it over and over. So, I am begging one last time to take a another look, consider taking a chance on the underdog, help if you can. The world can knock you to your knees at times and that's why we must be there to lift each other up. Afterall, we are in this together If you can help, please email me immediately at Hopeful Melissa